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What We're About

Our mission is to support, mentor, develop and empower young minds towards a future of achievement and success while strengthening their community of support. We offer programs and resources that directly and indirectly impact the lives of youth and young adults; to include under-served, disadvantaged, and at risk demographics.  Our mission is accomplished through emergency resources and assistance, educational and community events, lectures, workshops, as well as services and programs that cultivate the skills to becoming thriving, productive members of society.   

Our Visionary Perspective

We hold a vision of resilient, strong-minded youth and young adults that are equipped with the tools need to reach their maximum capacity in life. In turn, we foster a society of healthy adults and build stronger communities.

The "Why" Behind the "What"

The truth is no child "asked" to be born. However, all too often they find themselves in an inherited life cycle of dysfunction and brokenness that molds their future outlook in life.  They grow up feeling lost, make unhealthy life decisions, and feel powerless to change their circumstances. Left in this state, without the appropriate tools to navigate their circumstances, we groom communities of broken adults that go on to raise generations of broken adults. It's a never ending cycle.

Here at DOERorg we believe and stand strong in the old cliché- "children are our future." We strongly believe that by investing in the healthy development of our young people today, we will cultivate a stronger, healthier society of men and women empowered with the tools to defy odds, empower resilience, and change the life cycle for a better tomorrow.











Sheliah McDaniel


Sheliah founded DOERorg, Inc. because she believes it really does take a village to raise a child. She stands firmly on her belief that we as a society have a responsibility to equip our children with the necessary resources and tools to navigate a life of success.

"I can remember growing up feeling like I had no voice in the world. I had tons of emotional baggage and trauma that I carried with me through adulthood because it seemed as though no one cared to understand what was going on with me. My mother and those who grew up with me will tell you that I was very outspoken and strong willed, but on the inside I felt silenced by the pain I was carrying around. I didn't feel my voice mattered. While I understand and am thankful that all of what I experienced has made me the woman I am today, I believe there are healthier ways of achieving the same results. If we want a world filled with strong communities, we have to nurture and grow our children into mentally stable and emotionally healthy adults. No one or set of parents have the know-all to do it takes a village."

This has been the drive behind her passion for working with youth. Sheliah has freely dedicated her time to giving back to the community in areas such as volunteering as a Youth Counselor at her Church; becoming the voice for abused and neglected children as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA); mentoring 5th grade students with the Area Coalition for Education-Excellence (ACE-E); and gathering teams to volunteer with the Capital Area Food Bank to name a few.


Dewayne McDaniel Sr.


Dewayne is a husband, father, and retired Air Force veteran who believes in the importance of giving back to disadvantaged communities. Growing up with 9 siblings in a single parent home, he understands the struggles that come with being less fortunate.

"Although my childhood had far more ups than downs, there were occasions of worrying about utilities being turned off, and times of going hungry, wearing the same clothes multiple times a week; but on the flip side of that, my mother and maternal grandmother taught us to be grateful for what we do have instead of bemoaning the things you don't. Most importantly it was instilled in us to love, care for and help as much as we could, not only family - but also neighbors, the elderly and others within the community who are without sufficient means."

These experiences have been the inspiration behind his lifelong commitment to giving back to those in need. Dewayne's volunteer efforts extends to nonprofit and charity organizations such as Feed the Needy, Habitat for Humanity, Gunter Air Force Base (AFB) Adopt-a-Student, Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for Abused and Neglected Children, Meals on Wheels, Laubach Literacy Agency of Prince William County, Hands-on Charlotte (NC), and the American Red Cross


Daizjah Draper


Daizjah is in an undergraduate student at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). She is in her junior year as an Interdisciplinary Studies major concentrating on Psychology, Philosophy, and Religious Studies. She has a big heart for wanting to help people.

"I love to get to know people and understand their story. Knowing that I can make a difference in the lives of other people provides fuel to my existence. My motto is 'I am we.' That sums up my firm belief that we are all interconnected on some level and to help others is to help yourself."

Daizjah's view on life is what moves her to stay active in her community volunteering as a mentor with the Fairfield Middle School Do Something Club, doubling as a Teacher Assistance helping students find solutions to needs of the community, and teaching elementary students dance choreography.


Angela Conner

Chief of Mental Health Services


Amber Strong

Chief of Public Relations


Andrea Conner

Chief Advisor to the Board


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